Course Outline

2015 Course structure

This course brings together the sources that have inspired me as a teacher and researcher. The blog shows highlights with a commentary based on my PhD lectures. Here’s a breakdown of what we do together during the 13 week course.

Week 1: Mon August 31st

Jane Prophet: Introduction to the course.

Lecture and discussion: Best practice for organizing your PhD Research

Week 2: Tues Sept 8th

1-2 minutes from each of you, “My PhD research is…”

Jane Prophet: Lecture and discussion. The Reflexive Practitioner

Week 3: Tues Sept 15th

Jane Prophet: What is a Literature Review?

Week 4: Tues Sept 22nd

Literature Review: everyone brings a draft bullet point plan. Discussion and exercises.

Week 5: Tues Sept 29th

Jane Prophet: Structuring the PhD Thesis.

Week 6: Tues Oct 6th

Intro to Beyond the Barbecue.

Week 7: Tues Oct 13th

15 minutes each. Lit Review presentations

Week 8: Tues Oct 20th

Literature Review presentations

Week 9: Tues Oct 27th

Intro to pecha kucha and Beyond the Barbeque

Jane Prophet: The Literature Review writing session

Week 10: Tues Nov 3rd

TBC: Developing and writing a research article to get published.

Week 11: Tues Nov 10th

Beyond the Barbeque: 10 minute presentations. You give 10 minute presentations, then engage in active listening and give feedback. You MUST keep to time.

Jane Prophet: The Literature Review writing and feedback session

Week 12: Tues Nov 17th

Guest lecture. TBC

Week 13: Tues Nov 24th

Beyond the Barbeque: 10 minute presentations. You give 10 minute presentations, then engage in active listening to feedback. MUST keep to time.

Jane Prophet: The Literature Review writing and feedback session